The Best in Payments Education

Getting the best doesn’t have to involve hitting road. With TPI Home School you’ll have access to classes taught by TPI’s distinguished faculty from wherever you are. The prep study for AAP and APRP exams, the Continuing Education Credits, the knowledge you need to advance your career—it’s all available to you online.

Standard Program

What interests you? Where do you want your career to go? So many questions—and so many options. With the TPI Home School Standard Program, you can follow a specific school of study, or you can mix and match to take classes across a range of schools and topics.

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Accreditation Prep (AAP, APRP, AFPP)

Courses in this area focus on topics surrounding Nacha’s accreditation programs – Accredited ACH Professional (AAP), Accredited Payments Risk Professional (APRP) and the upcoming Accredited Faster Payments Professional (AFPP). Students are introduced to key subjects covered on the exams, suggestions for additional preparatory work, and test taking tips and advice.

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Faster Payments

Courses in this area focus on the faster payments movement in the U.S. Topics including Same Day ACH, Real Time Payments and RTP, FedNow and other overlay services and providers. Students are introduced to faster payment methodologies, strategies, and payment rail operations.

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Front Line Applications for Corporates

Courses in this area examine topics from the corporate end-user perspective. Class themes include examining rules by which Originators must comply, understanding how financial institutions can assist corporates and tools for corporates to begin or expand their payments options.

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Open Banking, Payments Innovation & Technology

Courses in this area focus on emerging industry developments and disruptors such as cryptocurrency and blockchain, open banking, tokenization, APIs and more. Students come away from classes with an understanding of how new solutions and technology might impact the future of payments.

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Payment Networks

Courses in this area examine topics related to the primary payment rails operating in the U.S. Subjects include the ACH Network, The Clearing House’s RTP Network, FedNow, cards, and wires. These courses provide extensive foundational knowledge for subsequent classes at TPI.

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Risk, Regulatory, Compliance & Legal

Courses in this area examine the risks associated with payment systems as well as the rules and laws governing compliance. Courses focus on emerging trends in fraud, fraud prevention and data security and privacy. Students also complete a comprehensive study of the associated rules and regulations, coming away with a deep understanding of the evolving risk and regulatory environment as well as the tools to mitigate threats.

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General Knowledge

These lecture-style courses provide students with a foundational understanding of topics essential to the curriculum. Faculty share key concepts related to the TPI experience as well as cornerstone concepts central to today's payments environment.

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