Speaker Letter of Agreement

The following is a letter of agreement between the speaker listed below (hereafter referred to as speaker) and Nacha for an instructional presentation. This letter of agreement also incorporates Nacha’s Code of Conduct that the speaker must abide by and agree to before speaking at TPI On Campus, the Nacha Risk Retreat, or TPI Home School. The Code of Conduct identifies the standards of behavior expected of members of Nacha and its various programs, and nonmember organizations engaged in Nacha’s activities and/or providing services to Nacha.

Both parties agree that the compilation of all material created for the program is the exclusive right of Nacha. With respect to Speaker’s presentation, Speaker agrees to grant Nacha a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license to use, reproduce, and distribute Speaker’s presentation in any format on Nacha’s website. Nacha’s use of the presentation and the perpetual license given to Nacha is in exchange for the speakers (nontransferable) free registration to the event. Speaker is solely responsible for any materials it contributes and warrants that the work does not or will not infringe upon any third party’s intellectual property rights or interest.

Additional Information

Registration for TPI On Campus: If you’re speaking at TPI On Campus, we invite you to stay and experience all that TPI On Campus has to offer. Registration is complimentary to faculty. We will process your registration internally, no action on your part is needed.

Accommodations for TPI On Campus: Faculty are responsible for paying for their lodging. On your behalf, Nacha will reserve your room at the Emory Conference Center Hotel. To secure a room, please email your travel dates and any special requests to [email protected] by June 14, 2024.

You are responsible for any incidental fees. Also note, breakfasts and lunches will be provided for all faculty and students starting with Monday breakfast and ending with the lunch on Wednesday. Nacha will not reimburse you for room service or other meals outside of what is provided at TPI On Campus.

Sales Pitches: TPI On Campus, the Nacha Risk Retreat, and TPI Home School are educational programs. Any faculty member whose session is rated by Nacha staff or participants as giving a “sales pitch” will not be invited to speak at future Nacha conferences. Other than presentation materials pertaining to your class, business cards are the only item that may be distributed during your session. Your audience may include competitors involved in the purchase or delivery of products and services relevant to your presentation. In that context, discussion of the pricing of products and services can raise sensitive issues. Therefore, please comply with the following requirements for any presentation at a Nacha event:

  • Do not disclose any confidential pricing-related information.
  • Do not present or discuss any specific price or proposed price, or range of prices, for product or service, even if the pricing information is public.
  • It is permissible to discuss factors that institutions may wish to consider in their pricing decisions, but do not suggest whether perceived market or individual institution pricing should rise or fall.

    Letter of Agreement due by May 31, 2024.

    *Please note that you must agree to abide by Nacha’s Code of Conduct before speaking at TPI On Campus, the Nacha Risk Retreat, or TPI Home School.